Self Portraits…"Picasso" style......
What fun it was for me this week to introduce my friends to one of my very favorite artists, Pablo Picasso! I explained to my friends that, rather than paint a person exactly the way they appear in real life, he liked to paint people showing 2 or more sides at the same time. This is a style called cubism.

Picasso also loved using bright colors. He found that using regular skin tones on faces was boring, so he went wild and crazy and had some fun! I shared some examples of Picasso’s work, and we were ready to begin.

I started by having my friends look at themselves in a mirror. We started with a basic letter “U” drawn on watercolor paper for the face, followed by guidance through the basic steps to accomplish their own “Picasso” style self- portrait.

We used oil pastel, watercolors and permanent marker.

Don't forget to stop by the gallery and see our finished products.

I always enjoy my time in Blue Room. Stay tuned for next week's adventures!
- Teacher Rosemary
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad