The children are so excited about fall, starting PreK, our letter of the week, art, sharing and so much more! As the weather begins to change, our ocean work has mostly wrapped up and given way to excitement about all things autumn.

Our friends went on a nature walk around the school, collecting leaves to use to collage for letter L. We also used leaves to do leaf rubbings. The children got very creative and rubbed multiple colors just like they saw on the leaves.

L is for lady bugs, laying on a leaf. How many dots can you count?

The children used acorns that Evy and I picked from our yard at home to bring in and share with our class. All the children had a different technique of how they wanted to paint with the acorns.

L studying all the different parts of the pinecone.

D thought the bottom looked very neat and said that "this is where it connected to the tree."

P had a different technique

Painting pinecones was fun, but was challenging to paint each individual seed pod. The children's favorite part was sprinkling the glitter at the end!

A. working with clay and natural materials to make a bird. After watching the Happy Birds show, the children's interest in birds has been flying all over!

S showing off her bird named Rainbow. Rainbow's "favorite color is purple and her favorite activity is playing games. She's really funny and I like to hang out with my bird."

G and G making their nests for their clay birds.

Using yarn, moss, sticks, and leaves to make our nests.

Working in our journals, drawing things that start with the letter L.

M and A building blocks.

Our preschool group working on shapes, and realizing it takes a lot of patience and a steady hand to complete the pictures with the matching shapes.

Our PreK group doing their morning work sheet. It is amazing to watch their growth and see their fine motor skills getting better everyday. A highlight is when they get to make the letter of the week books, to color and use scissors to cut them out. They are so proud to read their books aloud!
Have a great weekend!
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