Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Hi Blue Room Family and Friends,

What a wonderful way to welcome spring...To talk a little bit about the Cherry Blossom tree; and introduce a fun way to create our own artistic version of this magnificent tree! After sharing a few fun facts, including; "Japanese love cherry blossoms so much, they've turned them into an ice cream flavor." Ha ha...My friends loved that one!

For our art project, my friends used a selection of chalk pastels, their choice of colors, to blend onto their paper as a backdrop.

Next, teachers dropped black ink onto the colors of each child's picture. Children then had the option of using a straw or blowing their own breath onto the ink, causing the ink to disperse in a variety of directions.

Once the ink dried, children applied little paint dots using shades of pink and white and a Q-tip to create the little blossoms.

Last step, as an option, soft silver glitter sprinkling down...So magical!

Have a beautiful week! Happy Spring!

Teacher Rosemary

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Friday, March 3, 2017


Hi Blue Room Famlies and Friends,

This is Teacher Rosemary. I thought since letter "A" is the letter of the week, it would be fun to learn about apples! I talked about the parts of the apple, how they grow, and briefly about pollination.

I did an apple oxidation experiment to show how, when the skin is peeled off of an apple, oxidation will cause the apple meat inside to turn brown when exposed to air. However, if you put lemon juice on the meat of an apple, it will prevent the apple from turning brown because lemon juice contains citric acid, which is an anti-oxidatant.

My friends were so excited to see my apple peeler in action...going round and round gently removing the skin like a long piece of spaghetti. We even made the connection to our outer space unit by observing that the apple in the peeler was rotating on an axis, just like our planets do!

We wrapped up the morning by making our very own apple turnovers. My friends chopped up their own apple slices, then placed them within the dough triangles.

Cooking is always a great sensory and science experience. What does it look like now? Smell like? Feel like in your hands? Do you think it will be the same or different when it comes out of the oven? Let's test our hypothesis!

For snack, we all enjoyed apple turnovers together. Yum!

Enjoy the weekend!

Teacher Rosemary

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Valentine's Day 2017!

Happy Valentine's Day to all our Blue Rooms Family and Friends!

We definitely have a very silly bunch of kiddos!

Our book exchange went amazingly well -- all the children were just as excited to give their gift as they were to receive a gift. Just like the fall Harvest Festival, we opened the door between the two preschool classes for the children to move freely between all of the amazing centers that parents and teachers had put out for them to enjoy.

From graphing candy hearts, to sensory bins and gak, to board games and a heart bean bag toss, making cards for our loved ones, cookie decorating, and our first time ever with a funny photo booth.

Thank you to P's mom and L's grandma who joined us to help and a special thank to F's mom who made cookies and frosting for the children to use to decorate. They all looked like little bakers with their pastry bags getting creative with their heart cookies.

So much love to share from our class!


Teacher Kristina

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