We had 3 Fire Fighters, Batman, Wolverine, Bumblebee, Pocahontas, Draculaura, Tinker Bell, a Witch, Little Mermaid and a Lady Bug (not pictured Iron man). And somehow Teacher Romina and I were both Minnie Mouse without evening planning it. :)
S decorating her pumpkin and C decorating his gourd.
E painting with his favorite color green and E painting with his favorite color black.
Z decorating his jack o' lantern for the little pumpkin patch.
We talked about jack o' lantern faces on a pumpkin and how we could make different faces using different shapes.
We also used scissors to cut out our jack o' lanterns and put them on our wall, making a big spooky pumpkin patch.
We talked a lot about skeletons and the bones inside of our bodies. We learned that the biggest bone in our bodies is our femur that it is part of our legs, but when I asked the children what they thought the biggest bone in their body was, they thought it was the skull.
Using Qtips, we built a skeletal system and used a picture of a skeleton as a reference.
A said that her skeleton was so "H"appy and that's why she made it smile.
C said that he made a "big boy skeleton who is on his tippy toes and that he was going to put an antenna on his "H"ead."
The day of our "H"arvest Festival my friend Teacher Sandi came to help make masks with our class. C made a Ninja Turtle.
The children loved making the masks; who would have guessed that paper plates make awesome masks!
Hmmm... What colors to use?
Striking a pose with our colorful masks!
Thank you to I's mom for helping us play pin the nose on the jack o' lantern.
E realized how tough it is to be blindfolded.
Also a very big thank you to I's mom for reading a book to our class!
K and E dig in the bone yard to see what they can find: snakes, skulls, bones, and spiders.
Searching through the bone yard!
Also a very special thank you to E and S's mom for helping us at our sensory table digging in the bone yard and in the pumpkin brains searching for spiders!
I is digging through the pumpkin pasta brains to see, or better yet, FEEL, what he can find.
E found lots of spiders. She even got a little spooked when she found the big mama black widow spider.
It wasn't very long before the pumpkin pasta brains got dumped out and we were able to really see just how many spiders were inside.
Working on our letter H, making a "H"and print.
We also glued "H"earts, and used "H"orse, "H"ugs, and "H"appy birthday stamps.
Super "H"eros unite! Can you recognize us?
Time to go Trick or Treating...Thank you Teacher Jennifer!
Trick or Treat...Thank you Teacher Rashida!
We were very excited to see what treats we got!
We loved our gummies, spider rings, pencils, note pads, and so much more.
Even Tinker Bell's Lost Brother showed up to play with us.
Our spooky pizza party. We ate by candle light and the twinkle lights up in our classroom.
Yummy pizza! Some of our friends even wanted a second slice!
Spreading out our spider webs.
This past week was so much fun and I really appreciate all the parents that came to help and who supported us Trick or Treating through the school. All of our class loved being in their costumes and playing pretend outdoors in their costumes. It was an amazing week and a very fun month! Bye bye October and "H"ello November.
Teacher Kristina