Monday, December 2, 2013

Letter "L", making paper, origami, lemonade and Happy 3rd Birthday E!

Hello Blue Room Families,

This past week was jam packed with awesome activities, guests and a birthday too!
We started the week off as we always do brain storming words. "L" was a great "L"etter for us to "L"earn. There're many things we talk about that start with the "L"etter "L" but the biggest thing has to be "L"istening! We talk about how "L"istening to our friends, teachers, moms, and dads is so important so that we can be safe and listen to directions, and also be kind and respectful to one another.

Collaging our "L"etter "L" using "L"etter stickers, and "L"ip stamps.

Observing "L"eaves, checking out their colors, the way they feel, and drawing them into our journals.

Some may "L"ook at this picture and say what a mess. I "L"ike to think this is "L"earning at its finest! Our friends wanted to paint the cardboard tubes and some how the paint got to our hands and then we started to squeeze the paint out of the brushes. It made a funny sound, felt cold, and mushy smushing through our fingers. We also made some hand prints on the tubes! This picture is a sign of a good day, definitely a sensory experience!

In PreK with Teacher Karen, we talked and read many books about Thanksgiving. We talked about how the Pilgrims traveled to America on a boat called the Mayflower and how the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims. We also read a book about a lady named Sarah Hale who fought to make Thanksgiving a national holiday.

We had a few guests this week. One of them being K's mom who taught the children how to make new paper out of recycled paper, mainly using water and blending paper together.

Blenders sure can be "L"oud!!!

Feeling the water with the blended white paper.

Scooping up the paper in a screen and letting the water run out.

Pushing out more water to compact the pieces of paper together.

Decorating our white paper with recycled colored paper: yellow, orange, and purple.

Sometimes "L"ess is more.

And sometimes more is more!

Then our friends J and P used C-clamps to smush the paper in between the two boards to help the rest of the water drain out. This was a super neat project and the children really enjoyed it! Thank you K's mom for sharing your time and this awesome experience with our class!

A's Grandma came to visit all the way from Japan and we were so "L"ucky to have her be part of our class for a day. A's Grandma has been a teacher for preschool and kindergarten for 40 years. She taught our kids rock, paper, scissors in Japanese and taught us about origami.

We were all very captivated by the awesome things A's Grandma made from origami paper. She even made all of us samerai hats from a Japanese newspaper. They were so creative.

E and A made origami boats

A and her Grandma. Such a beautiful moment to see! Thank you so much for giving the gift of your time and talents to share with us!

My friend Teacher Sandi also joined us this week to teach the class about making "L"emonade. Our friends S and K working hard to squeeze all the juice out.

We all helped to add our second cup of "L"emon juice.

Our friend I tasted the "L"emon and he made a face that made all of us "L"augh! He did it about ten more times and encouraged others to take a taste of a sour "L"emon. We were all "L"aughing soo hard! Not to worry, everyone had their own "L"emon to "L"ick, and we'd already finished juicing, so our "L"emonade was as germ-free as possible :)

Teacher Sandi and C adding water and sugar to our "L"emon juice.

Teacher Sandi and S stirring our "L"emonade.

Tasting our "L"emonade for the first time!

It was so yummy that some of our friends had three cups full.

Building with "L"egos.

For sharing our friend Z brought finger "L"ights. I "L"et the class vote on what music to dance to. They chose Halloween music: Ghost Busters, Thriller, and The Monster Mash. We turned off the "L"ights and closed the blinds and had a "L"ight show/dance party. Thanks Z for sharing with everyone!

For sharing our friend I brought a "L"ock for a "L"ocker and he was excited to let all of his friends try to open it with the key. It was a challenge.

A very "L"ittle friend came to visit: The Purple Room's pet mouse Trixie.

We officially welcome our friend E to be part of the Blue Room full time now! Yay!

Transitioning to our class happened in perfect timing to celebrate E's 3rd Birthday! Make a wish!

E brought in yummy cupcakes to enjoy with her friends! Thank you E's mom and dad!

Our friends from the Purple Room joined us to celebrate, and even a couple friends from the Red Room! E is well loved by all of her friends!

Happy 3rd Birthday E! We are so proud of you for making the transition to our class and we are so lucky to be a part of your life everyday! Thank you for sharing cupcakes with us and for being a joy to teach everyday. Princess E wore her crown very well!

And finally, too cute to leave out: J the astronaut, our new drummer! And the crowd goes wild! :) Just one of those priceless moments.

Thanks for an amazing week!

Teacher Kristina