J and E painting in our outdoor Art Corner
S and S work together on one side as K and A work together on the other side to make their masterpieces on the easels in our outdoor Art Corner.
During lunch one day we were all brainstorming on how we could decorate our class room for the holidays and K thought it would be a good idea to make Santa hats for our Birthday Owls. So she did! It was a lot of work to make about 18 hats. I love the ideas that the children come up with and I love to help their ideas come to life in the classroom.
J and P making patterns on "C"andy "C"ane ornaments to hang on our tree.
S, K, and S working on their patterns too. Some were ABA patterns and others were very tricky patterns.
In the Purple Room one afternoon the younger preschoolers painted the word HAPPY for our backdrop for the Holiday Performance. They worked hard to stay in the lines and realized that white mixed with red made pink, and green mixed with white made light green. I love to hear the children's conversations and them learning together.
During PreK with Teacher Karen we love learning, listening, and talking about different cultures and what traditions they celebrate.
Our AWESOME "C"hristmas Tree!
Our "C"razy "C"lass!
CRAZY HAIR DAY!! We had a blast with "C"razy Hair Day! They loved their mohawks, many ponytails, colored hair, spiky hair, and hair decorated with ribbons, pipe cleaners, and ornaments. Thank you to all those who participated. Your children were soo excited to show off their "C"razy Hairstyles.
S was very proud of her unique and complex 3D structure made all out of triangle magnet blocks!
Our First Annual Preschool Holiday Performance was AMAZING!!! You could not even tell that these performers were 3, 4, and 5 years old. They definitely brought their A game.
Doing their sign language, "We wish you a Merry Christmas."
The children looked so cute in their self-made reindeer shirts and wore them proud. It really unified our two preschool classes to have spend 3 weeks together practicing and having their big performance go so well!
Nothing says awesome job better than this!! WOW, what a crowd, and so many cameras! Thank you for all the positive feedback, love, support, and for being there to witness the joy and hard work of your children. Taking time out of your busy schedules to be there means the world to us and to your children! This was my first time putting on a performance with preschoolers and they blew me away! I had a smile on my face the rest of the day and I felt so blessed to have your children and you all in my life! Thank you!
Happy Holidays, I hope you all had a wonderful vacation, and Happy New Year!
Teacher Kristina