Our friends were very excited to see the petting zoo again! There were some baby bunnies that were new to the bunch that snuggled in the basket. Cruiser the turtle came back, the Guinea pigs, chickens and new to us was Mary the goat. The children asked a lot about the donkey Henry who came last time.

The children decided to brush the turtles shell.

N petting the chickens very gently.

N and E petting Mary the goat.

J, L, and M checking out the baby bunnies.

J brushing Mary the goat.

M said, "the guinea pigs are very fast, way faster than the goat!"

M checking out cruiser.

A loved the turtle cruiser

G being very gentle with Mary the goat.
We Loved the Petting Zoo and anxiously await till next summer to see them again!
Teacher Kristina and Teacher Thaovy