We are well into our alphabet with letter of the week and the children are really grasping it. They continue to ask if they forget what letter it is and their friends remind them. Parents, please work with your children to brainstorm things that start with the letter of the week for sharing on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

J and A collaging the letter "O" using the color orange and octopuses

M using dot art to make a pattern around the letter O. This calls extra attention to the letter's shape and builds patterning, which is a pre-math skill.

C working on matching ABC clips. The pinching of the clips is great for the children's hand and finger strength.

J working on the letter O during PreK

We have been saving all the colored caps to the GoGo squeezes that are in your children's lunches. We have done many things with the caps. For example: color sorting, making designs, patterns, stacking and counting. N working on lining up his caps.

L lined up her caps then decided to draw under each cap the same color that matched.

E made a flower out of caps then she drew it. Putting an object from 3D to 2D is a skill that is so amazing for the children's cognitive development. It helps the children with future problem solving and to realize that every thing in their world is three-dimensional but can be represented in other ways. She noticed that there were six caps as petals and that she needed to draw six petals on her flower. She was definitely using higher order thinking.

We love sensory bins!!!

E working on her canvas for the Art Sale. The children really enjoyed working on a new medium and they took so much pride in their work knowing that it was going to be for the Art Sale.

N signing his master piece.

The children painting their canvases.

Teacher Rosemary reading the book, "Happy Birthday Hamster" to our new friend C who turned 3 years old.

C and his daddy brought cupcakes to share with his friends.

Make a wish C!

Hmmm...which flavor should I pick?

YUMMY!! All gone!

We are so happy to have C be part of our class. His older brother went to Creative Minds a few years ago so it has been fun to welcome back a family that was part of Creative Minds before I was even here. I'm so excited to watch C (and all of our friends) grow and learn! Welcome to our class and Happy 3rd Birthday C!!
Teacher Kristina