For the past couple of weeks, Blue Room has been very interested in farms. Our interest started when we had the petting zoo on June 10th, and since then we have been learning about different animals. Blue Room even hatched our own live duckling!

N, L and L look very happy as they pet the donkey.

The petting zoo!!

P is enjoying the barn that the class built together.

E is putting the finishing touches on our class barn.

Blue Room now has 5 duck eggs incubating. (In the end, 1/5 made it, and Quack Quack will be going back to the farm with his family.)

Blue Room is observing the duck eggs as they bounce in the water before they hatch. It turns out human babies aren't the only ones who do gymnastics before they're born!

G is decorating her duckling.

S is decorating Quack Quack's home.

Blue Room is putting the finishing touches on Quack Quack's home.

Quack Quack taking his first swim.

Quack Quack enjoying the nice warm sunshine.

G is painting Lulu's head. Lulu is the class cow.

M, M and N are all painting spots on our cow.

Can't wait to see how our class cow turns out.

Our wonderful Lulu the Cow.
Lulu the Cow can produce milk because she gave birth. (We learned that not all cows give milk -- only mommy cows do -- and our class decided Lulu should be a mommy cow.)

K is shaking the whipping cream really hard to make butter.

Starting with cream, we made our own butter and put it on toast for snack. Thank you, cows, for giving us cream to make butter!
Blue Room is having so much fun with the farm life, we can't wait to learn about more animals and learn about our wonderful crops as well. Teacher Kristina has not had her baby yet, but we will keep you all updated.:)
Teacher Sammy