Thank you so much for welcoming me back to school with open arms! It was a real gift to be home to spend time with my daughter for her first few months. She is now back at CM with us and enjoying Green Room. She loves to come visit our class and see all of your children's smiley faces! They are so great and gentle with her. I think she remembers their voices from inside my belly, because she smiles and laughs with them every time.
Blue Room started to get interested in pirates several weeks ago, so we decided to dive into learning about them. Teacher Thaovy shared some facts about pirates and gave the children information about how they live. (Of course we skipped over the darker side -- the pillaging and plundering -- and focused more on life at sea and traveling the world.) It all started one day during music and movement, when the children wanted to dance like pirates and wanted to wrap bandanas around their heads and bodies just like pirates do. It was amazing to see their creativity and pirate imaginations come to life!


The children wanted to make a pirate ship - so we did. The ship is great for the children's dramatic play and social learning too.

D and K adding detail to our pirate ship.

Purple Room friends came to help decorate our pirate ship.

Our little ship wasn't big enough for all of us so we decided we needed to make a bigger ship. When we are all standing we can almost fit the entire class inside this one. One of the big social skills facilitated by this pirate ship has been how to coordinate with each other in a small space. Unfortunately the waters got a little rough today and we capsized! Good thing everyone in our class knew how to swim on that blue carpet and we all got to safety. :)
We plan to continue to add more to the ship, and now that the children are into flags so we brainstormed what we should draw on our pirate flag. There were many things that came up to add: hearts, icebergs, snowflakes, treasure chests, pirates, crowns, swords, bananas, Christmas, roses, and peanuts. I love our preschoolers' imaginations! Please feel free to stop in and take a look at the children's pirate flag. It is now attached to the pirate ship.

G, K, and G adding to the pirate flag

A - pointing to her swords

S - making her banana

M - drawing himself holding a treasure chest
G - drawing a huge iceberg
More to come from our Preschool Pirates in Blue Room!
Teacher Kristina & Teacher Thaovy
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad