Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Letter "S" and Making Smoothies

This past week was "S"uper! We always "S"tart our week collaging the letter of the week and we enjoyed brainstorming what things start with the letter "S" for the children use in their collage.

We collaged "S"tars, "S"miley faces,

"S"ilver, "S"hiny, "S"quares

"S"ea "S"hells, "S"parkles, "S"occer balls

And "S"tickers

During gymnastics Teacher Tatiana taught us how to do the "S"plits

J was the most flexible!

During lunch the children really get into talking about words that start with the "S" and they realized how many of their friends were eating "S"andwiches.

Then E said, "I'm eating "S"oup!"

And K pointed out that she was eating "S"paghetti.

"S"tar prints

In the purple room we used their pumpkin counting "S"eed game. S noticed that he chose the number 6 and that it started with the letter "S"

P counted his "S"eeds.

In the Purple Room, we incorporated "S" into the light table, by usingnour fingers to draw in the sand. Some of our friends made hand prints, Mr. "S"un, "Swirls" and some made little mini mountains of sand. Their imaginations ran wild with the sand. Our class was so intrigued by the light table and the sand on top. Thank you Purple Room for sharing with us!

This week we made "S"moothies! We learned about the blender and about all the ingredients that go into making smoothies. Some of the children covered their ears when I turned on the blender.

A is adding peach yogurt into our smoothie. Everyone got a turn to add in an ingredient.

The children loved them! We actually ended up making three different smoothies and drinking it all up!

When I was in college I worked at Jamba Juice for 3 years so it was really fun for me to share making smoothies with all of your children. They were also very excited to drink out of a "S"traw.

We are making clouds to put up in our sky in the corner of our class room, where we will soon be hanging up or hot air balloons.

In PreK we are working on following directions and we finished up reviewing our shapes.

On Friday, Teacher Karen combined PreK and the Littles and they worked on connecting the dots by following the numbers. They were very excited to color the pig when they were done. :)


Teacher Kristina