Monday, October 7, 2013

Letter "B" and Shapes in PreK

We kicked of our month of October with the letter "B." It was a very fun week as we weaved the letter B into our transportation topic. During circle time this week we brainstormed words that started with the letter "B" and our list grew as the week went on.

We colored our letter "B" and glued on "B"uttons. A lot of our friends recognized that the colors "B"lack, "B"lue, and "B"rown all started with "B".

Our light table was a hit and the numbers on the letter "B" followed the pattern of how we should be writing the letter "B".

We drew something that started with the letter "B" in our journals. Our friends drew "B"utterflies, "B"ugs, "B"uses, and "B"unnies, just to name a few.

Our Hot Air "B"alloon project was really neat. The children really got involved and did an amazing job putting them together.

We even started to paint wheels for our buses that we will be making soon.

Decorating our "B"askets for our hot air "B"alloons.

The toughest part was punching the holes to attach our pipe cleaners.

After we attached our "B"askets to the "B"alloons we were ready to take off.

The children were very excited to hang them up and spark a lot of conversations at lunchtime about them.

This week in PreK we reviewed shapes, like rectangles, ovals, and triangles. We also practiced writing capital and lower case "B"s and coloring pictures of things that start with the letter "B".

The highlight of the week was "B"aking our "B"anana muffins. We talked about cooking, and the things we needed, including the recipe and ingredients.

After they finished cooking we had a picnic and ate them outside. They were SO yummy! It took a lot of patience but we worked very hard as a team and all contributed! Our first cooking project was a great success!

***Reminder Parents -- Wednesday, October 9th is our pumpkin patch field trip. Please be at school by 9 AM. In your child's backpack, please include water and a paper bag lunch with food (that does NOT need to be heated) in disposable bags, because we will be eating a picnic lunch at the pumpkin patch. Also, please put sunscreen on your child and feel free to pack a hat too. If you are not driving your child remember to leave their car seat at school Wednesday morning.

Thank you parents!

Teacher Kristina