We have had many fun times this month including an awesome field trip and a couple of birthdays too.
Visiting Teacher Tatiana's Gym was awesome. I think it really opened our children's eyes to what gymnastics could be. We all stretched and introduced ourselves to Teacher Tatiana's helpers.
Stretching like seals.
The huge parachute!
Choo-choo train.
Climbing, jumping on the little trampoline, jumping on the big trampoline, doing bear crawls and hop scotch.
Practicing pencil jumps.
Hop scotch... We are getting better at hopping on one leg.
A on the balance beam, we put our arms out for balance.
Side steps while balancing a ring on our head.
Happy 5th birthday Z!!
It was such a beautiful day that we decided to celebrate Z's birthday outdoors. Z waiting patiently for Teacher Romina to light the candle.
All of our friends singing together!
Make a wish Z!
Wow Z, I cannot believe you are five already. I love to watch you learn everyday and I really enjoyed planting tomato seeds with you, you are always such an awesome helper and so good to our younger friends in class. We are going to miss you when you move up to kindergarten. Thank you to Z's mom S for bringing cupcakes.
Happy 3rd Birthday A!
Make a wish!
A was so excited to blow out her candles.
Thank you A's mom A for bringing cupcakes. Yummy!
Now that A has transitioned up to Blue room we have a brother-sister duo AND a sister-sister duo. We are very happy to have A with us! I am very excited to get to know A better and share lots of laughs and learning together!
I hope you all are having a great week!
Teacher Kristina