Insects have been big focus in our classroom. We have been so eager to watch the life cycle of caterpillar to butterfly. Whenever there is a spider or bug sighting anywhere inside or out, the entire class runs to check it out. We have some bug books that the children will use to try to look up what kind of spider it is. Thankfully no black widows or tarantulas have appeared, but they definitely are the topic of conversation. Recently we moved around some things creating a science table making a space to observing and for sensory bins as well. Below, S, E, and G painting insects on their rock canvas.

S observing our class caterpillars and using her creativity adding a little color to her drawing of the caterpillar.

We have watched our little tiny caterpillars get bigger and bigger every day and now a couple of them were finally ready to settle into their chrysalises.

Making rice caterpillars...

Other explorations in the science corner ...

Making English muffin pizzas during E week...

Teamwork to match the colors and complete the rainbow...

Planting tomatoes...

Other creative opportunities...

Building an x-ray body with S&E's mom...

And then making x-rays of our own...

More fun times...

And back to bugs. Here we are examining and releasing some ladybugs...

And playing in the rain...