Happy 5th Birthday P!!

We are going to miss you when you go to kindergarten. I hope you have fun and please come back and visit us! We love you P!

Making our ice cream cone art.

M thinking about what his paper ice cream cone should look like.

M showing what a 6 year old can do!

Our much anticipated Ice cream social. Thank you to everyone who brought toppings to share! It was great to see children try new things and feel excited to have others enjoy what they brought.

Great time talking with other families and hanging out with staff. This was a nice, low key way to wrap up the summer. Of course most of the children came back for seconds! Yum!

Blue Room and Purple Room children working together on collages with many different textures and colores.

Pajama and Pancake Day!

shake shake shake.....

All smiles after a fun day in our comfy jammies and bellies full of pancakes!
Thank you all for a fun summer, Teacher Kristina, Teacher Thoavy, and Teacher Aimee!