I showed the children a short clip of a firework show to our National Anthem. to help get them inspired to make fireworks.

All the children had different creative techniques to making their 4th of July fireworks.

K and E painting trees for our campground.

Planning and making a map of our camp ground

One of those priceless moments. This is one of the reasons I love my job! Thank you G for the snuggles! :)

The boys reading the map and looking at the legend to see what the symbols mean. They of course counted how many bathrooms their were.

Blue Rooms Map

Starting to paint our campground

K adding in the trees

L painting in the creek

M adding in the sand to make a beach for all the beach campers

Making mountains

A decorating stars for our midnight sky

We had many different colored stars

M playing with our camp ground

Our Camping theme was throughly enjoyed by all the children and it was really neat to hear all their camping stories from going camping with their families. We even took down the tent together and said good bye until next summer.

And of course we needed to make s'mores! Yummy!
Teacher Kristina