During the school year, we have PreK in Purple Room from 9:15-10:00 while the younger preschoolers combine in Blue Room. PreK parents, please "note to self" that if your child arrives after 9:15 they will stay in Blue Room and not go to PreK that day because it interrupts the PreK program and is to hard to catch the children up when they arrive late.

In Blue Room with the younger preschool children, we work a lot on taking turns, sharing, using our words and working in small groups. Playing board games is so enriching for children. They practice patience while waiting for their turn, learning new rules and cooperating with one another.

Marble run is definitely a morning favorite! The children love to put all the marbles in and cause a traffic jam with the marbles. They like to make a different track every day as they experiment with the physics of momentum and gravity.

R is exploring sand.

In PreK, L is stacking rocks. They talked about balance and counted how many they could stack.

T showing off her master piece.

Free Art!

Practicing new painting techniques like the artist Vincent Von Gogh and his Starry Night

Nachos for letter N

R doing Marble Art

B also exploring marble art

A collaging her letter T, with triangles, tape, and tissue paper.

Tracing shapes on the light table.
Teacher Kristina and Teacher Thaovy