A couple weeks ago, Purple Room and Rose Room switched classroom. We are very excited to have the two preschool classrooms close as we love to work together. The children have been excited to play with Purple room outdoors and we also open the back yard where the children get to work on there large motor skills riding the tricycles.

G and M color sorting colored conversational hearts. Putting our hearts on the graph was a new challenge for our friends.
The Children's thoughts about our Valentines Day book exchange and what there favorite part was.

N said his favorite part was, "reading books"

E said her favorite part was, "getting to pick a number"

R said his favorite part was, "giving and getting books."

T said her favorite thing was, "getting my book!"

J said his favorite part was, "playing with his new friend P."

G said her favorite part was, "reading books."

P said her favorite part was that, "Mommy was here!"

M said her favorite part was, "when I picked a number card."

A said her favorite part was, "Loving friends!"

M said his favorite part was, "getting my favorite book!"

B said, "I liked the story and words!"

C said, "I picked my own book!"

A said her favorite part was, "opening books."

L said, "We got to pick a book after we put it in the basket."

G said his favorite part was, "playing with R!"

Thank you to P's mom for coming in to have a special Valentine's treat with the class. She brought us festive heart cut strawberries and raspberries to put on top of Angel food cake and whip cream on top!! YUMMY!!!!

Enjoying our special treat!

Welcome to our class K! K is collaging letter V with veggie shaped hearts for Valentines day.

The boys are exploring sand, catching bugs and worms. The feel of the soft sand falling onto our hands is such a neat feeling when its falls through our fingers. Also during sensory exploration the children are always having very in-depth conversations about different types of bugs. And I always love to over hear where their imaginations are going.

Valentine's Art! Gluing, coloring, and cutting. Some of our friends learned how to cut out hearts which was a difficult skill to learn.

Blue Room is having BABIES!! Teacher Thaovy, our Fancy Guppies and ME! Teacher Thaovy is expecting her baby in early April and I will be having a baby also in early July. The timing works out perfect that we will not be out at the same time. Our Maternity leaves will both be covered by the same person - Teacher Sammy. giving the children consistency which is very important. We are very excited to have Teacher Sammy be part of our Creative Minds Family. This Friday, March 13th is Teacher Thaovys last day. We will miss her but we cannot wait to meet her new baby boy. Our friends came up with some names today, some were very silly like milk, shakey firetruck, carrot, and some a little more traditional like Jonathan and Drew. We all had a laugh!
Teacher Kristina