The letters of the week have been going very well. The combination of hands-on activities, singing and reading, circle time discussions, and pre-K work related to each letter helps all the children connect with the material in their own way. The children are really able to point out the sounds that they hear in the words in their daily life. It is amazing to see how many different words we can brainstorm during circle time. Letter S had more words than I've ever seen a group of 3 and 4 year olds come up with. It was awesome!

L placing her first sunflower seed, one down four to go. The children observed sunflowers and made their own sunflower. Then they put glue in the middle of their sunflowers. We played a game where the child would roll the dice, recognize the number, then pick up that number of sunflower seeds with their tweezers placing them on the glue. This was a challenge on many levels -- counting, number sense, and fine motor muscles. We even tasted a sunflower seed -- it was yummy but a lot of work to get to the good part.

S and A concentrating

H placing each petal in its perfect spot.

F working with two hands. Using the tweezers takes a lot of practice to develop the skill and finger strength to do it with only one hand.

Our friends are collaging their letter S using colored sand.

It's letter P week! Y and S are working with lots of different types of puzzles.

H and P working on puzzles also.

Each child was given their letter P and glue with a drop of purple paint into the paint. Then they mixed it with a popsicle stick. They were comparing whose glue was darker or lighter purple. The children then glued on their puzzle pieces and popsicle sticks. G enjoyed drizzling the glue from up high and watching it curl as it landed on the paper.

I introduced one of my favorite games to Blue Room --Pictionary! I started drawing first and the classed guessed, then each child took a turn to draw a picture and let their friends guess. They were all so creative in their ideas. Yes we did have to ask for a few hints but overall it was amazing.
D drew his picture and we all started to guess...chocolate chip cookie...after many many guesses his hint was its a circle and people live on it -- Earth!

S working on her flower, her hint was that it grows. It was so amazing to see the very detailed middle and the petals that wrapped around.

L working very carefully on her horse, she had four legs, a face and a main. Her hint was that it's an animal that lives on a farm.

Preschool working with Teacher Sandi on stacking all the blocks as high as they can. With a little help from G after she finished her PreK, they got pretty high. It takes a lot of practice and fine muscle control to balance the blocks at the top without knocking the tower over!

Y, M, and L concentrating on their work and doing their best to color in the lines.

D and M working on their PreK letter P books with Teacher Thaovy.

S focusing so well on coloring her penguin inside the lines.

Paper People Puppets. Three P's! This week we had many puppets shows and decided to make our own puppets of ourselves. It was so neat to see each individual's creativity and view of themselves. As seen above L even drew his heart and bones that are in his body, recalling our work on the human body earlier this year.

Y and D practicing their scissor skills.

N, A, S, M and G trying to figure out which color clothes they'd like and how to trace and cut it out to glue on their puppet.

A special treat from Teacher Karen reading us a Halloween story during lunch time.
Stay tuned for more Blue Room fun and learning!
Teacher Kristina
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