On Election Day, we talked about being the President and about the candidates that are running. The children talked about who they felt would win: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. It was a tie with 4 for each and 1 vote for unicorns and 2 that didn't want to vote. We talked about how if Hillary wins it will be our first woman president. The girls were all very excited.
The children decided that they wanted to vote for a president for Blue Room. So the children that wanted to run for president stood up to say why they were best suited for the job. There were many candidates with different reasons but the the person with the most votes was Y, who said that his friends should vote for him because, "I am nice and am a good role model." We then had a discussion about the White House and our class made a blue print of their own White House. The children really got into it. The drawings are up on the wall, so feel free to come take a look at all of the different blue prints.

We then took our blue prints of the White House and brought them to life using tooth picks and marshmallows (since our letter of the week is M). Be sure to check the documentation inside, although most of the children wanted to take them home to eat the marshmallows. We talked about needing a strong structural foundation and what would therefore be best to use - the big or small marshmallows. They all came out so different and were so creative.

The children were all very proud of their work and all interested in what it means to pick a good president. I'm kicking myself for not starting to talk about the election earlier because they were all like sponges to the information. It's a great reminder of how much more aware our children are about the world around them (adult conversations, media, everything) than we sometimes give them credit for. They really are amazing!
Have a great weekend!
Teacher Kristina
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