Games offer such a unique way of practicing so many skills and lessons -- for example, taking turns, following rules, working toward an end goal/purpose, and so much more.

For the week of letter T we learned the game Tic-Tac-Toe. We talked about horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. We also talked about making three in a row to win, and to notice if some else were about to win so you could block them.

The children were very excited about it during circle time, but it also became a chance to highlight the difference between throwing and tossing.

We then ventured to centers where the children took turns playing against an opponent.

A and L going head to head. A pulled out a win.

M and S playing against each other.

This game requires self-control, patience, and looking for patterns.

Putting only one bear at a time was tricky and recognizing 3 in a row was tricky too. Especially for my 3 year olds. After a while the girls started to play "family" with their bears and make the squares their bedrooms. :)
In other fun activities this week...

Making Tissue paper art with Teacher Sandi.

Working on our fine motor skills. Twisting Tops and trying to keep them into the box.

Train Tracks -- how big can we make it?

Sending our love to Teacher Thaovy as she recovers!

Pajama Day and hot chocolate with marshmallows was delicious. Whenever we do any type of cooking, no matter what is is, all of the children rally at the same table to work together. Parents if you ever have an idea for a cooking activity, please come in and share with us. The children would be so excited!

Journals for letter D week. Working on drawing dinosaurs and looking at their similarities.

M trying a new technique two colored pencils at one time.

S really studying all the different parts of her dinosaur.

Fossils and making fossil prints

Neat triceratops ,N!

L working to repair his fossil print.

Digging for dinosaurs in oobleck, one of the most amazing sensory experiences.

The children loved this!

We are going to have to bring our oobleck back again.
(Sorry for the late post from December.)
Teacher Kristina
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