In Blue Room we kicked off the new year with some much-needed brainstorming. After deciding to explore outer space as our next project topic, we asked the children, "What would you like to learn about outer space?" They answered:
* Rocket ships going to space and to the moon
* Rocket ships that go to the rings of Saturn
* Planets, bees, cars driving, stars, rocket ships and Earth
* Rockets going to other planets and into outer space
* Fly in a rocket to lava planet (sun)
There were so many ideas from all of the children, but where to start?
We started out with a small video clip about constellations, highlighting the Big Dipper and Orion. The children really took to the Big Dipper. The children drew the Big Dipper with chalk and placed their seven stars on. Some our the children of course wanted more than seven stars. :)

Connect the dots (a precursor to making our own constellations) was a tricky concept for most our three-year-olds who are just starting on number recognition. They definitely were able to connect all the dots, just in their own preferred order. :)

We then moved into creating our very own constellations, naming them, describing them and counting how many stars were in their constellations.

With Teacher Rosemary we learned about our solar system through art. The children created the sun using acrylic paint and cling wrap, and were able to spread it with their fingers.

Chalk pastels were used to make each planet. Teacher Rosemary talked about the different colors and sizes of the planets.

During science we watched a short clip of a rocket take off. "He's blasting off," said Yejoon. "That's so cool," said Landon. They saw Neil Armstrong land on the moon. The children were in awe of what they saw - all of their jaws dropped.
The sky's the limit...we cannot wait to see where the children's interests take us!
I also have some very exciting news to share with you all... Ryan and I are expecting baby number 2 in July 2017! Evelyn is very excited to be a big sister. Your children are already coming up with hilarious names for the new baby and trying to guess if it's a boy or a girl. :)
Teacher Kristina
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