Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hello marbles!

Hello parents,
Blue Room's interest in their own country has finally waned...They did select Dhruv I as their king (age and wisdom were the reasons). Alana was selected to be the Queen, and everyone else took the roles of prince and princess.
The country idea, though, still has them interested in maps and we have maps galore in classroom. There is lot of discussions around states and cities. The country project also piqued their interest in anything sports-related, so they have been playing cricket a lot. Thanks to Satvik and Dhruv for bringing their cricket sets. For sharing, Connor is going to bring his karate belt, so sharing for September can be sports related.Who knows where they will lead us next?

We had the Branham High School marching band visit us last week and their performance was a wonderful experience for all ages. Last week we talked a lot about different musical instruments and we had our own marching band. Branham students promised to return next month.

New interests emerging have been construction related. After talking about building cities from cardboard boxes in their own country, they have been exploring different carpentry tools and materials.
Teacher Aimee got nails and other carpentry tools for kids to try..

Our kids have also been very interested in marbles. It almost seemed they were scared to play with them when they first took them out of the jars. Hesitation and dilemma from last week has blossomed into the children making their own marble runs.

Last week they made them with blocks; now they are building larger runs with foam and cardboard. They are also experimenting with different balls: glass marbles, plastic ping pong balls, etc. So construction has been a theme emerging in more ways than one!

If you have any resources related to
Musical instruments
Marble runs
Carpentry...let us know. In September we have invited James Green a local artist who will lead classes called Drumming and Drawing for our preschoolers.