Monday, October 28, 2013

Letter F, Friendship Soup and Info for this Week

This past week was so "F"un "F"illed! We found that it was a little harder to think of words that started with letter "F" compared to the letter "S".

We collaged our letter with "F"eathers.

We Painted using a "F"ork which made an interesting print with the "F"our prongs.

We also explored painting with a "F"eather.

Journal time is such a neat time to see where the children's creativity goes. I gave them a sticker that either was the number "F"our or "F"ive and they had to draw something that had one of those numbers. K drew "F"ive Draculauras (Dracula's daughter).

And E drew a picture of a guy with "F"our arms.

Sharing was "F"un this week. I always love to see what the children come up with. P brought his "F"oam "F"inger which was a double "F" word! The children get so stoked about these. He talked about going to the basketball game and what the "F"oam "F"inger meant and why people used it. When P called on his friends for questions or comments he pointed to them with his "F"oam "F"inger. It was "F"unny.

I was very excited to share his "F"risbee. He told his friends about its color, shape, and what it does. He also explained how it was shiny and that it was his "F"avorite "F"risbee. The comments were, "I like the color" and "can we play with it?"

What better to do on letter "F" week than to paint "F"eet and walk on the "F"loor where we made a paper in the shape of a "F". We found that most of our children have ticklish "F"eet and thought it was soo hilarious when Teacher Romina painted their "F"eet.

S going on a walk all over the letter "F".

I traced the children's "F"oot this week and we did a measuring my "F"oot activity. K measured using blocks from toe to heel.

S used pennies to measure his "F"oot. We noticed that our "F"oot was the same size in blocks and in pennies.

N and P measured in inches using a ruler. It was interesting to teach them to line up the ruler in the right spot and what numbers used to count.

Decorating our pumpkins. We used paint, feathers,

Eyes, jewels,

Glitter... Lots of glitter

And string! It was so awesome to see the children's wonderful masterpieces. You can definitely tell whose pumpkin is whose. :)

We had a very special guest in our class this week, K's Dad! The children were soo excited and very attentive.

He read the book, "Nobody's Nosier than a Cat." The children asked what all the different words meant and he had everyone up striking their very own pose like the cat does in the story. The children loved it! Thank you soo much for taking time out of your day to spend time in our class! K was talking about it for the rest of the dad. Soo proud to have her dad hanging out with her "F"riends.

In PreK with Teacher Karen we started working on numbers: number recognition, writing numbers, and one to one correspondence. We have also been working on writing our names and working across our paper from left to right and top to bottom. PreK is now Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

This past week we made our "F"riendship Soup and we read the book, "Stone Soup." While the children were taking turns cutting our vegetables, most of the children were playing in our kitchen area making their own "F"riendship Soup. I thought it was so awesome to see them taking the play kitchen basket and bringing all the ingredients to share in the "soup."

J peeling our potatoes with our monkey peeler.

P is peeling another potato.

S using a knife to cut carrots

Thank you parents for bringing in all of the ingredients! The children were so proud to share with their friends and contribute to our soup. The conversation during lunch was priceless. They were so excited to find the potatoes they peeled and the carrots and celery they cut. Everyone did try the soup but I cannot say that they all loved it. It was a really awesome cooking project and it was so neat to sit down family-style to eat it together. Thanks again parents for your contribution.

Playing our musical instruments while singing, "Make New Friends but Keep the Old: One is Silver and the Other Gold." The children also requested songs to sing which included, "Jingle Bells," "The Wheels on the Bus," and "Twinkle Twinkle."

"F"ace painting "F"un! Thursday afternoon we decided it would be "F"un to paint "F"aces. From left to right (picture above) we have Hello Kitty, "F"rankenstein, sun and a butterfly and Draculaura.

Our "F"unny "F"aces!!

Information about this week for the Harvest Festival and Halloween:
- Wednesday October 30th, we will be celebrating our Blue Room Harvest Festival. We will be playing games that the children and I brainstormed together and this will probably start around 9:30. Please dress your child in fall festive colors, or orange and black. Save costumes for Thursday. I'd love to take a class picture. :)

For Halloween (Thursday), we will be dressing up in costumes and trick or treating and have a little parade throughout the school. This will probably be around 10-10:30 and then we will play outside and then have a pizza party for lunch!

Parents, if you have the morning free and would like to come help either day, please feel free. Also at anytime throughout the month if your like to come in and read a book to our class please feel free. The children love it!

Thank you for all your support!

Teacher Kristina

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Letter "S" and Making Smoothies

This past week was "S"uper! We always "S"tart our week collaging the letter of the week and we enjoyed brainstorming what things start with the letter "S" for the children use in their collage.

We collaged "S"tars, "S"miley faces,

"S"ilver, "S"hiny, "S"quares

"S"ea "S"hells, "S"parkles, "S"occer balls

And "S"tickers

During gymnastics Teacher Tatiana taught us how to do the "S"plits

J was the most flexible!

During lunch the children really get into talking about words that start with the "S" and they realized how many of their friends were eating "S"andwiches.

Then E said, "I'm eating "S"oup!"

And K pointed out that she was eating "S"paghetti.

"S"tar prints

In the purple room we used their pumpkin counting "S"eed game. S noticed that he chose the number 6 and that it started with the letter "S"

P counted his "S"eeds.

In the Purple Room, we incorporated "S" into the light table, by usingnour fingers to draw in the sand. Some of our friends made hand prints, Mr. "S"un, "Swirls" and some made little mini mountains of sand. Their imaginations ran wild with the sand. Our class was so intrigued by the light table and the sand on top. Thank you Purple Room for sharing with us!

This week we made "S"moothies! We learned about the blender and about all the ingredients that go into making smoothies. Some of the children covered their ears when I turned on the blender.

A is adding peach yogurt into our smoothie. Everyone got a turn to add in an ingredient.

The children loved them! We actually ended up making three different smoothies and drinking it all up!

When I was in college I worked at Jamba Juice for 3 years so it was really fun for me to share making smoothies with all of your children. They were also very excited to drink out of a "S"traw.

We are making clouds to put up in our sky in the corner of our class room, where we will soon be hanging up or hot air balloons.

In PreK we are working on following directions and we finished up reviewing our shapes.

On Friday, Teacher Karen combined PreK and the Littles and they worked on connecting the dots by following the numbers. They were very excited to color the pig when they were done. :)


Teacher Kristina