Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, Letter "T", and C's Last Day

Happy Thanksgiving Blue Room Family and Friends,

I just want to say, "T"HANK YOU all for your support in and out of the classroom. I really appreciate the feedback in the comments section at the bottom of our blogs, and please feel free to approach me or email me if you ever have any questions or suggestions about anything. I have been enjoying working with your children everyday and I just feel so blessed to be part of the Creative Minds Family!

Parents - "T"hank you for taking the time to sit down to work with your children on their "T"urkeys and to talk about what your child is "T"hankful for. You're children were so excited and proud to talk about the materials and colors they used to decorate their "T"urkey projects. They came out beautiful!

There were so many "T"hings to use to collage our letter "T": T-Rex, "T"eddy bears, "T"ractors, "T"urtles, "T"rucks, "T"ennis balls, "T"ennis rackets, and many more "T"hings. "T"wo of our friends from last year K and M came to visit and we really enjoyed have kindergarteners to set an awesome example for our preschoolers and to teach us some cool new things.

Once a month we have been drawing a picture of ourselves and we will be saving them to see how our drawings change over the course of the year. It is already so neat to see the progression.

During gymnastics I looked up to see 15 slithering snakes coming towards me. I acted very scared and the children got a kick out of it and started to go faster. I Love moments like these.

"T"hank you very much to all of our families who contributed to our "T"hanksgiving feast. The children were so excited to eat all the yummy foods, drink juice, and enjoy dessert too. I'm so grateful for your constant support!

Thank you to Teacher Romina, C's mom, A's mom, and I's mom. I really appreciated your help serving everyone and helping our "T"hanksgiving lunch run smoothly.

Everyone "T"ogether is always the best! My favorite way to celebrate a meal - family style!



Always so silly!


We are soo "T"HANKFUL!!!

Trying to take an organized picture is always an event in and of itself. :) Happy "T"hanksgiving!

As November ends we are sad to say goodbye to one of our friends, C. You will be greatly missed in many ways. I know I have only known you for a few months but I feel so blessed for the time we shared. I am excited that I was there to be part of your 4th Birthday. I will miss your humor! Thank you for always being a great friend! And I know I can speak for all of your friends and all the teachers at Creative Minds when I say that you and your family will be missed! Love you and please come visit us soon! Have fun at your new school and just be the awesome little guy that I know you are!


Teacher Kristina