Monday, February 10, 2014

Letter G, Letter R, and Colors

Hi Blue room!

The past two weeks have been jam packed with activities and new things for the children to try and taste. Unfortunately we missed out on pictures for a couple of them, but for letter "G" week we made "G"ingerbread and also did art projects using "G"lue and "G"litter.

We even made "G"reen "G"lue "G"ak. It was my first time to make it and it felt gooey for sure! A measuring 2 cups of glue.

Mixing it up.

P and A work on making the snowman from Frozen.

S even wrote the word NO.

A, Z, and S exploring their Gak.

J made a huge necklace.

The creativity just kept flowing with the Gak as E made a little minion.

P made four eggs.

J cut out princess Cinderella to play with in the castle.

S and R worked hard to add to the Lego castle.

This past week for letter "R" we read the "Rainbow Fish" and we talked about the moral of the story and the children collectively told me that the Rainbow Fish was selfish at first and didn't want to share, but had no friends and was sad. Then the Rainbow Fish shared his shinny scales with his friends and then he was happy and had fish friends again.

M making her beautiful Rainbow Fish.

Mon, Tue, and Wed we split into preschool and PreK. This week in afternoon preschool the children were talking about the ocean after reading the Rainbow Fish so we talked about what animals live in the ocean. The children created an ocean scene with crayons and then painted over in blue water color. Some of our friends even drew Mermaids.

In PreK with teacher Karen, they talked about Ground Hog Day which was on February 2nd. They also have continued to work on number recognition.

In the past few weeks I overheard our class asking questions about mixing colors and what colors make certain colors when mixed, so this week we explored that. As you can see on the whiteboard behind J, the class brainstormed what colors we wanted to try to mix and what color we thought it would make. Then we went to the table to test them out. Above M and J mixing their colors.

Mixing our colors.

N and A mixing their colors.

I mixing his colors too! I forgot to take pictures but Friday we talked all about the color wheel and we learned about primary, secondary, and complimentary colors. We also took a vote on what complimentary colors we liked the best-- yellow and purple got first, then blue and orange, then red and green.

For letter "R" this week E brought in his "R"obot book that was about a "R"obot named "R"atchet who "R"escues his fellow "R"obot friends.

Yay! Finally there was some rain and we realized that there were some puddles in our sandbox on top of the tarp. It was awesome to watch some of our children really just explore and enjoy the water and puddle jumping!

Fun in the puddles! Huge splash by Z!

Definitely my favorite picture from the week! E realized he had water in his boot that he could give to M. There are so many beautiful, funny, memorable moments that happen through the day and I get so excited when I catch one in a picture. I think I need Google Glass! :)

On the topic of rain boots and winter clothes, I want to make sure everyone is on the same page. We only let children who have rain boots or water shoes play in the puddles. While we want every child to have the opportunity to experience this fun outside winter activity, we do this because we don't want the children's everyday shoes to get ruined. If your child wants to participate and wears boots or water shoes to school, please also pack a pair of shoes that are dry for the evening.

If your child doesn't want to play in the puddles, don't worry, there's still plenty to experience outside after wet weather. Last week, children enjoyed filling up cups and bowls as they pretended to make so many delicious foods, like soup, hot chocolate, and cakes.

Regardless of whether they'll be jumping in the puddles or not, please dress your children appropriately for the weather in clothes that can get wet. If your child brings home wet clothes, please bring a dry set back to replace their extra clothes. Our class had a blast outside this past week and it was really wonderful to finally feel winter.


Teacher Kristina